Device distraction is an important discussion to have in lessons involving technology. However as a teacher I've noticed varying interpretations of appropriate device use in meetings.
When is it okay to use a screen in a meeting?
As an educator, I promote device use. I encourage (and try to model) appropriate use and I interpret device distraction similarly to daydreaming; it is an indication that the learning is not engaging. Yet as digital dependency is on the rise I wonder when is it inappropriate to use a screen in a meeting? Should we gain permission first as is suggested in some business meetings?
I have attempted to come up with some guidelines. How do you rate your device use in staff meetings?
Exceeding Expectations:
- Tweeting about the meeting
- Taking notes
- Referring to documents
- Relevant online interaction with meeting participants
- Research to further the discussion
- Phone on silent
Requires Improvement:
- Looking at a screen whilst asking/answering questions
- Catching up on emails
- Answering calls
- Tweeting about anything unrelated
- Social media updates
- Online shopping
- PokemonGo
Is it time for a digital detox in some staff meetings?